Speeches 2009-2024
Danuta Hübner – CV
Description of activities in the European Parliament





Honorary doctorate, Universite de Valenciennes, France


Honorary doctorate, Poznań University of Economics


Honorary doctorate in political science, Universita` degli Studi, Camerino, Italy


Doctorate of honoris causa, University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria


Honorary doctorate, University of Sussex, United Kingdom


Scientific title of Professor of Economics


Fulbright scholarship, University of California, Berkeley, USA


Post doctoral degree (habilitation) (International Economic Relations), SGPiS (now SGH), Warsaw, Poland


Ph.D. in Economics, SGPiS (now SGH), Warsaw, Poland.


Master’s degree in Economics, Faculty of Foreign Trade, SGPiS


Professional career

2019 – 2024

Member of the European Parliament (IX term)

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Committee on International Trade (INTA),Committee on Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US), Subcommittee on Tax Matters (FISC), Delegation to the EU-UK Partnership Parliamentary Assembly (D-UK), Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-MX), Delegation to the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (DLAT), Member of the EP delegation to the Conference on the Future of Europe

2014 – 2019

Member of the European Parliament, Chairwoman of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs (VIII term)

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US), Committee on International Trade (INTA), Delegation to the EU-Mexico Joint Parliamentary Committee (D-MX), Special Committee on the Tax Rulings and other similar measures due to their nature or their effect (TAXE)

2009 – 2014

Member of the European Parliament, Chairwoman of the Committee on Regional Development (VII term)

Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON), Delegation for relations with the United States (D-US),  Delegation for relations with Switzerland and Norway and to the EU-Iceland Joint Parliamentary Committee and the European Economic Area (EEA) Joint Parliamentary Committee, Special Committee on the Financial, Economic and Social Crisis, Special Committee on Policy Challenges and Budgetary Resources for a Sustainable European Union after 2013

2004 – 2009

Member of the European Commission, European Union Commissioner for Regional Policy

V – XI 2004

Member of the European Commission, European Union Commissioner for Trade

2003 – 2004

Minister for European Affairs in the government of Prime Minister Leszek Miller

2001 – 2003

Head of the Office of the Committee for European Integration and Secretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2000 – 2001

Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva, with the rank of the United Nations Deputy Secretary General

1998 – 2001

Public Economic Advisor to the President of the Republic of Poland

1998 – 1999

Deputy Executive Secretary at the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe in Geneva

1997 – 1998

Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland Aleksander Kwasniewski

1996 – 1998

Member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

1996 – 1997

Government Plenipotentiary for the establishment of the Committee for European Integration (KIE), Secretary of KIE with the rank of Secretary of State and Head of the Office of the Committee for European Integration (UKIE)

1995 – 1997

Member of the Council of Statistic, Central Statistic Office

1995 – 1996

Member of the Supervisory Board of Powszechny Bank Kredytowy S.A.

1995 – 1996

Chief Negotiator of Poland’s membership in the OECD

1994 – 1996

Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Industry and Trade

1994 – 1995

Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, co-author of the government program “Strategy for Poland”

1992 – 1996

Chairwoman of the Social Planning Council at the Central Planning Office

1992 – …

Editor-in-Chief in “National Economy”

1992 – 1997

Deputy Editor-in-Chief in “Economist”

1991 – 1994

Deputy Director of the Institute for Development and Strategic Studies, Central Planning Office, Warsaw

1987 – 1996

Member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes (EADI), Geneva

1981 – 1987

Deputy director of the Institute for Research on Developing Countries, Warsaw School of Economics (now Warsaw School of Economics)

1971 – 2018

Faculty member, SGPiS/SGH



Additional professional and public activities

Currently held positions


United Nations Association Poland (UNAP) – Member of the Program Council https://www.unapoland.org

Women Economic Forum – Advisory Board Member


Dahrendorf Forum, (London/Berlin) – Member of the Dahrendorf Committee


United Nations Global Compact, UNGC, (Warsaw) – Member of the Program Council


Centre for European Policy Studies, CEPS (Centre for European Policy Studies), (Brussels) – Member of the Supervisory Board, Member of the CEPS Special Working Group on Banking Supervision (Taskforce on banking supervision) in 2014 and Member of the CEPS Taskforce on Inter and Intra institutional reform in 2013-2014


European Forum for New Ideas, EFNI, (Warsaw) – Member of the Program Council


European Policy Center, EPC (European Policy Center), (Brussels) – Member of the Program Council


Institute of Public Affairs, ISP, (Warsaw) – Member of the Foundation Council


European Council on Foreign Relations, ECFR (European Council on Foreign Relations), (Warsaw) – Member of the Council


Congress of Women, (Warsaw) – Member of the Council of the Association, Member of the Program Council, Shadow Cabinet of the Congress of Women – Prime Minister.


Positions formerly held

Global Agenda Council on Europe 2012-2014 of the World Economic Forum, (New York) – Vice Chair.


Council of Europe Group of Eminent Persons, (Strasbourg) – Member


Commission on Growth and Development, (Washington) – Member


Committee on Economic Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, (Warsaw) – Member


Federation of Regional Actors in Europe (FEDRA) – Honorary Member


European Brain Council – Ambassador


European Internet Foundation, EIF (European Internet Foundation), (Brussels) – Member


Global Public Policy Institute, GPPI, (Berlin) – Member of the Advisory Board


The Centrum Balticum Foundation – Member of the International Advisory Board


Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma, MtM (Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma), (Brussels) – Board Member



“Nowe Życie Gospodarcze” national monthly economic magazine, (Warsaw) – Member of the Program Council


European Movement International, EMI (European Movement International), (Brussels) – Member of the Honorary Council


Knowledge for Innovation, K4I (Brussels) – Member of the Governing Board


Association for Counteracting Social Exclusion of Persons with Mental Disorders Most, (Bydgoszcz) – Member


Polish Union of Oncology, PUO, (Warsaw) – Member of the Economic Council


European Academy of Business for Enterprises, (Warsaw) – Honorary Member of the Program Council

Grunewald Discussion Circle – Member

Central Mining Institute (GIG), (Katowice) – Member of the Scientific Council


National Veterinary Institute, Piwet, (Pulawy) – Member of the Scientific Council


The BELA (Broader European Leadership Agenda) Foundation, BELA Foundation, (Berlin) – Member of the Program Council


Polish Brain Council, (Warsaw) – Honorary Supporting Member


Association of Cities on the Internet, (Tarnow) – Honorary Member, Honorary Ambassador of Digital Poland of Equal Opportunities, PCRS


Global Agenda Council on Europe, (New York) – Alumna


Modern Management Review journal, MMR, (Rzeszow) – Member of the Scientific Council


Soroptimist International, SI – Warsaw Club Polish House, (Warsaw) – Honorary Member


European Academy of Diplomacy (EAD), (Warsaw) – Member of the International Honorary Council


THINKTANK Center for Dialogue and Analysis, (Warsaw) – Member of the Strategic Council


New Pact for Europe, (Brussels) – Member of the Advisory Committee


Association Youth Reform Poland, (Warsaw) – Honorary Member


European Fund for the Development of Polish Villages Foundation, EFRWP, (Warsaw) – President of the Board of Directors


Monthly magazine “Bank and Credit”, (Warsaw) – Member of the Program Council


Magazine “Euroregiony/Europrojekty.PL”, (Katowice) – Honorary Chairwoman of the Editorial Board



Awards & distinctions


L’Ordre national de la Légion d’honneur, Officier, France


Emperor Maximilian Prize, Austria


Tiroler Adler-Orden, Austria


The Order of Merit, Portugal


Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Odrodzenia Polski, Poland



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