Meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs
Professor Danuta Hübner will take part in the meeting of the Committee on Constitutional Affairs, which will discuss the next steps to be taken in AFCO after the Conference on the Future of Europe. During the last plenary session, a resolution was passed calling for the initiation of the Treaty amendment procedure provided for in art. 48 of the Treaty on European Union to, inter alia, implement the recommendations of the final report of the Conference. Now the Committee on Constitutional Affairs will discuss how to carry out this procedure and in which areas the Treaties should be changed.
Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 9:00-12:00 & 17:45-18:45
INTA Committee meeting: Exchange of views with EVPs VESTAGER and DOMBROVSKIS on the EU-US Trade and Technology Council
The Committee on International Trade will host an exchange of views with EVPs Vestager and Dombrovskis following the second official meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council in Paris. Prof. Danuta Hübner will react to the joint statement that will be released on Sunday and emphasise the importance of the EU-US dialogue in the current geopolitical context.
Tuesday, 17 May 2022, 16.45-18.45
Bloomberg EU Policy Series – “Getting MiFIR Right: Delivering an effective EU transparency and data regime”
Prof. Danuta Hübner will participate to the Bloomberg EU Policy Series as the European Parliament’s Rapporteur for the Market in Financial Instruments Directive and Regulation (MiFID II /R) proposals. The event is titled “Getting MiFIR Right: Delivering an effective EU transparency and data regime”, and during her remarks Professor will look at what measures can be taken to resolve the fragmentation and data quality issues that have long held back transparency and efficiency in European securities markets. Amongst the topics discussed, Professor Hübner will look at how best to ensure the emergence of a successful Consolidated Tape in the EU and improve the market transparency regime, action needed to address the costs of market data and the cross-border impact of the MiFIR review in relation to other jurisdictions.
Friday, 20 May 2022, 11.00-11.30